Precautions To Take When Storing Car Tires

29 September 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Your car's tires may look tough, given the kind of terrain and roads they regularly run over, but they are rather delicate things in storage.  Poor storage can damage the tires and risk your life and the lives of other road users when you start using the tires. Here are three storage precautions to take for your tires:

Avoid Direct Sunlight or Heat

Rubber, which is the primary component of tires, cracks when exposed to different weather elements. Even though the rubber in tires is equipped with anti-aging components, the anti-aging components fail fast if the tire is exposed to high temperatures. This is why you shouldn't store your tires in hot areas or expose them to direct sunlight during storage. Don't forget that tires, being black, retain most of the heat that hits their surfaces. What is more, the cracks are more likely to appear in stored tires than tires that are being used. This is because the repeated stretching of rubber, which occurs when the tire is being used, helps the rubber to resist cracking.

Clean and Dry the Tires

Don't store dirty tires because you don't know what is in the dirt.  Rubber is sensitive to different kinds of chemicals, which can break it down and make it too weak to be used. For example, the dirt and grime on your tires may contain brake dirt, petrol, or grease, all of which will affect the integrity of the tires. Clean the tires thoroughly (simple soap and water will do) and dry them before storage. You should also get rid of pebbles or any other materials that may be stuck between the treads; this ensures that the tires aren't stored in a stretched condition.

Place Them in Airtight Bags

Tires are designed to be flexible so that they can flex when they encounter bumps or holes in the road; that is the only way they will not crack when you use them. Flexible rubber is less likely to crack than inflexible ones. It is the oils in the rubber that make tires flexible. Unfortunately, the oils can easily evaporate and let the tires dry and more susceptible to cracking if not stored properly. The best way to prevent the oils from evaporating is to seal the tires in airtight bags (you can even use a vacuum cleaner to reduce the level of air in the bag).

As you can see, storing your tires in your garage isn't such a good idea. This is especially true if sunlight can stream into the garage, you have stored some chemicals (including fuel) in the garage, and it is not climate controlled. Look for suitable storage facilities in your area for safe tire storage. 

For more information, contact J C Self Storage or a similar company.
